Key Solutions Product

Chemical Safety (CSC) Back

When working with toxic, chemical agents, CSC approval is excruciating and time consuming. Our CSC module drastically simplifies CSC Compliance by automating all aspects of the application including submission, routing, review, tracking and management.

If your research project involves the use of toxic chemical agents, you will need protocol approval from the Chemical Safety Committee (CSC) prior to the start if any procedure involving the referenced chemical. The CSC is responsible for the recognition, evaluation, and control of chemical hazards, providing a safe work environment at the research facility and protecting the public and the environment.

To keep your research from getting off track while submitting CSC approval, Key Solutions offers web-based Integrated Research Administration and Compliance modules for CSC that automate the online protocol application submission, routing, review, tracking and management for CSC compliance. Our modules streamline and speed up the approval process; saving valuable time, eliminating errors and reducing compliance risks.

Each member of your team – principal investigators, research administrators, reviewers and the CSC – has centralized, online access to the electronic protocol application so everyone is working on the same version of the application. An email notification system makes it easy for team member’s to collaborate and stay informed of each other’s progress, as well as be notified of approaching deadlines. The module includes robust agenda, report and archive features. An entire history of forms, comments, attachments, notes, agenda minutes and reports is maintained for each protocol application submitted for approval. Our automatic ‘Check for Completeness’ system makes sure that your protocol application is complete before it is submitted.

Once your protocol application is approved for research compliance you can use Key Solution’s modules for Animal Resource Management, Research Administration including Grants Management,Conflict of Interest, and Clinical Trial Management.